IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
2–5 May 2022 // Virtual Conference

Crosschain Workshop

Crosschain Workshop


The workshop’s focus is to bring researchers and industry experts from across the world together to advance the fields of crosschain communications.

Crosschain Communications refers to the transferring of information between one or more blockchains. Crosschain Communications comes in many forms:

  • Swapping of assets across blockchains using Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLC)
  • Reading a value from one blockchain on another blockchain.
  • Executing a transaction on one blockchain given a transaction has been shown to have occurred on another blockchain.
  • Atomically updating values across two blockchains. That is, applying updates to both blockchains if transactions on blockchains succeed, and discarding updates on both blockchains if either transaction fails.
  • Executing arbitrary call graphs of function calls across blockchains and applying updates across blockchains atomically.

The workshop's page can be found here

